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=- FAQ Backlog: -=
Version I - Wednesday, April 26, 2006: The beginning of this guide, and its first release in the Kingdom Hearts II GameFAQ
message boards (as How to Beat Sephiroth Guide).
Version II - Thursday, April 27, 2006: Some new additions to the guide, with inclusion to an Introductory and Copyright
section and some other specific and trivial supplements.
Version III - Tuesday, May 2, 2006: Final proofread, as well as minor grammatical errors fixed.
Version IV - Friday, May 12, 2006: Complete overhaul! New sections and boss strategies added and a bunch of other supplements.
Version V - Saturday, May 13, 2006: Twilight Thorn and Demyx (2nd Encounter) strategies completed.
Version VI - Sunday, May 14, 2006: Storm Rider strategy completed. Tips & Tricks section started. Links added to the
Useful Links section.
Version VII - Tuesday, May 16, 2006: Drive Forms section completed; When Item Hunting section started.
Version VIII - Saturday, May 20, 2006: When Item Hunting section completed; Gummi Ship Mission X section started and finished.
Version IX - Sunday, May 21, 2006: Began work on the Munny Short? section; fixed some minor errors in the Drive Forms
section, as well as added a new Drive Orb strategy to the Master Form leveling strategy.
Version X - Monday, May 22, 2006: Munny Short? section completed.
Version XI - Wednesday, May 24, 2006: Began and completed the Bulky Vendor section.
Version XII - Friday-Wednesday, May 26-31, 2006: Xaldin, Grim Reaper (2nd Encounter), Xigbar, and Xemnas (Final Battle)
strategies completed; began and completed the Olympus Coliseum Missions and the Level Up Trick sections. Final FAQ revision
and fixes - coincidentally the same day it got started.
Version XIIa - Thursday, June 01, 2006: Fixed some minor errors in several sections. Added new links to the Useful Links
section, as well as added a note in the Olympus Coliseum subsection regarding the Double-Score Mode.
Version XIII - Friday, June 02, 2006: Altered the guide's format to fit GameFAQs' requirements, as well as incorporated
the specific boss strategies to the Tips & Tricks section; and organized a few sections.
Version XIV - Sunday, June 04, 2006: YAY! GameFAQs once again rejected the guide! But anyways, revised few sections of
the guide, as well as new supplementations were added. Organized the URL addresses in the Useful Links sections, as well as
new links were added.
Version XVI - Monday, June 05, 2006: Since the FAQ got rejected numerous times over at GameFAQs, I decided to create a
Tripod account and build a site to somehow share the guide with all Kingdom Hearts II gamers.
Version XVII - Tuesday, June 06, 2006: Completed building the site including all sections of the FAQ. Working on my Paradox
Cup Challenge guide, which hopefully will finish within this week.
Version XVIII - Saturday, June 24, 2006: New strategy for the Cerberus Underdrome/Paradox Cup added, provided by darkeden53.
Version XVIIIa - Wednesday-Thursday, June 28-29, 2006: Paradox Challenge guide completed and sequentially added to the
site, alongside a 'Hall of Fame'. So much for finishing it in one week as I had previously mentioned... Hopefully you'll participate.
Also, some minor adjustments were done to the previous guides concerning organization and such.